Foster Youth Services » Independent Living Program (ILP)

Independent Living Program (ILP)

ILP is a statewide program whose purpose is to serve current and former foster youth. Our goal is to provide foster youth with resources and skills to enable them to succeed in life after leaving foster care.

Who is Eligible?

Only an ILP Coordinator can verify your eligibility. However, if youth are between the ages of 16- 20, they may be eligible for Independent Living Program (ILP) services if one of the following applies

  • Were/are in a foster care placement at any time from age 16 - 18
  • Were/are under a legal guardianship with a relative (KinGap) and received/are receiving KinGap services between the ages of 16 to 18 years of age
  • Were/are in a Dependency Court granted non-related legal guardianship that was granted on or after your 8th birthday



Some of the services provided through ILP include:


  • Daily living skills
  • Money management
  • Decision making
  • Building self-esteem
  • Financial assistance with college or vocational schools
  • Educational Resources
  • Housing (Transitional Housing)
  • Employment 


Contact Us:

Melissa Harvey
Program Manager
Allie Effisimo
Sara Roeder
Susan Dietrich
Admin. Assistant