FNL Programs

California Friday Night Live Partnership logoFriday Night Live: Calaveras County Friday Night Live (FNL) Programs are statewide drug and alcohol prevention programs that develop youth advocacy, build leadership skills and create positive networks among young people and adults. Annual statewide conferences, monthly statewide meetings and youth led webinars offer Calaveras FNL students the opportunity to connect with other teen leaders across California.
Club Live logoClub Live: Club Live meetings are held at the middle schools (Avery Middle School, Mark Twain Elementary School, and Toyon Middle School.) Club Live is a fun and safe space for gathering and making new friends. Club Live members have opportunities to develop their youth advocacy skills and create innovative campaigns on their campus. Members play team-building games, hear guest speakers, and help build a happier, healthier school community. 
Friday Night Live logoFNL Leadership: Friday Night Live Leadership meetings are held at Calaveras High School and Bret Harte High School. Club members share their perspectives on campus culture and issues, and choose topics to focus on during the school year, such as drugs, alcohol, mental health, bullying, etc. Students then create and lead school-wide campaigns on important teen issues. Join FNL Leadership and advocate for positive change on your campus.
Friday Nigh Live Mentoring logoFNL Mentoring: FNL Mentoring  matches 7th and 8th grade protégés from Toyon, Mark Twain, and Avery Middle Schools with 10th-12th grade mentors from Calaveras and Bret Harte High Schools. The mentors and protégés meet once a week after school for structured, supervised, and fun activities highlighting important teen issues. Mentors help to foster positive peer connections, which helps ease protégés transition to high school. 

Contact Us:

Kellie Canepa
Club Live Coordinator
(209) 736-6095
Samie Sinclair
Club Live Coordinator Coordinator
(209) 736-6089


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