Assessments- CAASPP and ELPAC
Below are some resources to help parents, students and the community understand the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System.
![CAASPP logo CAASPP logo](
- An Academic Checkup (Video 2:44 min) a video about the Smarter Balanced assessments produced by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation
- CAASPP Score Guide Use this simple tool to understand your child's scores and learn how you can help at home.
- CAASPP Starting Smarter Parent resources and explanation of score reports.
- CAASPP Starting Smarter Español Recursos para padres y explicacion de reportajes.
- ELPAC Starting Smarter Parent resources and explanation of score reports.
- ELPAC Starting Smarter Español Recursos para padres y explicacion de reportajes.