The Calaveras County SELPA is a multi-Local Education Agency (LEA) SELPA comprised of four (4) school districts, one (1) dependent Charter School, which is designated as a separate LEA for the purpose of special education reporting and monitoring, and one (1) County Office of Education.
Member LEAs include: Bret Harte Union High School District, Calaveras County Office of Education, Calaveras Unified School District, Mark Twain Union Elementary School District, Mountain Oaks Charter School and Vallecito Union School District. The Calaveras County Office of Education (CCOE) is the designated Responsible Local Agency (RLA)/Administrative Unit (AU) for the Calaveras County SELPA. The Calaveras County Office of Education is considered an LEA for all purposes of the Local Plan, except where referred to as the RLA or AU.
The County has a total area of 1037 square miles and is accessed primarily through State Routes 4, 12, 26 and 49. The County's geography includes beautiful rolling hills and valleys, with small rural communities scattered across a large geographical area. Calaveras Unified School District, Mountain Oaks Charter School and the County's Community School programs are located primarily in the northern part of the County with Bret Harte Union, Mark Twain Union and Vallecito Union School districts located in the southern portion of the County. Calaveras County Office of Education is centrally located in Angels Camp, California. There are approximately 1100 students with disabilities (ages 0-22) enrolled in the member LEAs. The student populations within individual member LEAs range in size from approximately 40 students to 2700 students.
The principle goal of the Calaveras County SELPA and its member LEAs is to identify all eligible individuals with disabilities, (birth to 21 years of age), and to provide them with support and services designed to help them achieve their educational goals in the least restrictive environment.